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佰维存储(688525)  现价: 48.73  涨幅: -1.93%  涨跌: -0.96元
成交:79777万元 今开: 50.50元 最低: 48.58元 振幅: 4.45% 跌停价: 39.75元
市净率:9.70 总市值: 209.70亿 成交量: 16054493手 昨收: 49.69元 最高: 50.79元
换手率: 6.45% 涨停价: 59.63元 市盈率: -63.40 流通市值: 121.21亿  


公告时间:2024-04-29 19:24:01

BIWIN Storage Technology Company Limited
FY 2024 "Enhance Quality, Boost Efficiency, and
Maximize Returns" Strategic Plan
To thoroughly enact the directives of the Central Economic Work Conference
and the Central Financial Work Conference, actively heed the Political Bureau of the
Central Committee's call to invigorate the capital market and bolster investor
confidence, and to uphold an investor-centric philosophy, BIWIN Storage Technology
Company Limited (hereafter referred to as "the Company") has developed the
"Enhance Quality, Boost Efficiency, and Maximize Returns" strategic plan for the
fiscal year 2024. This plan was reviewed and approved at the 18th meeting of the
third session of the Board of Directors onApril 29, 2024.
The objective of this strategy is to drive the continual improvement of the
Company’s operations and governance standards, while proactively delivering returns
to investors. By further enhancing operational efficiency, strengthening market
competitiveness, and safeguarding investor interests, the Company aims to make a
positive impact on the stability of the capital market and the high-quality growth of
the economy. Key initiatives include:
I. Focusing on Operations to Enhance Core Competitiveness
Since its establishment, the Company has specialized in the storage sector,
centering on the semiconductor memory industry chain. It has developed an integrated
business model encompassing both R&D and testing. The Company has continually
fortified its core capabilities across several domains, including development of
storage solutions, IC design of main control chips, wafer-level advanced packaging
and testing, and development of storage chip testing equipment. In the field of storage
solutions, the Company has continuously built product competitiveness in terms of
performance, power consumption, reliability, and capacity to meet the demands of
leading customers both domestically and internationally. In IC design, the Company’s
inaugural master control chip, noted for its superior performance, has successfully
completed post-fabrication testing and is now gearing up for mass production. In
advanced packaging and testing, the Company’s wafer-level project has been
chip testing equipment, the Company has independently developed a comprehensive
range of testing devices and algorithms, thereby creating a holistic chip testing
solution. The implementation of these projects and capabilities is set to significantly
enhance the Company’s ability to empower end-users and contribute to industry
In 2024, the Company aims to capitalize on the upward trajectory of the industry,
achieve significant market and performance breakthroughs, and enhance operational
performance. With the mission "Storage Empowers Everything," we are dedicated to
becoming a world-class leader in storage solutions and advanced packaging and
1. Capitalizing on Industry Growth Cycles for Market and Performance
As the storage industry rebounds in 2024, the Company will seize market
opportunities, aiming to penetrate top-tier customers by enhancing product
competitiveness and expanding customer reach, thereby driving revenue growth in the
mobile, PC, and server sectors. We will also strategically allocate resources in the
smart wearables and industrial vehicle sectors to refine our product offerings and
aspire to become a dominant market player. Concurrently, the Company will focus on
optimizing production delivery and increasing efficiency to foster performance
2. Deepening the Industry Chain to Boost Profitability
In 2024, the Company plans to scale up the mass production of our proprietary
master control chips, thereby improving product competitiveness. We will expand the
scope and operational efficiency of our advanced packaging and testing facilities,
leveraging economies of scale to enhance cost competitiveness. Additionally, we will
increase the deployment of our in-house chip testing equipment, reducing testing costs
and generating new revenue streams.
3. Enhancing Our Consumer Brand Presence
In 2024, the Company will escalate efforts to build its consumer brand,
consistently introducing innovative products that compete effectively in the industry,
thereby enhancing our market presence and increasing profitability.
4. Expanding Globally andActively Going International
In 2024, the Company will pursue a proactive globalization strategy in its
overseas operations, deepening collaborations with globally renowned clients such as
HP, Acer, Google, Meta, Motorola, and HMD. By actively developing a
comprehensive global sales, production, and delivery network, we aim to surpass
regional OEM markets with superior product competitiveness and optimal localized
service, continuously growing our global market share and enhancing brand influence.
