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Asia Credit Strategy:What’s Going on in Asian Credit

编辑 : 王远   发布时间: 2017.09.26 18:30:05   消息来源: sina 阅读数: 94 收藏数: + 收藏 +赞()

What's Going on in Asia Credit (WGOIAC) is our weeklypublication that highlights the key them...

What's Going on in Asia Credit (WGOIAC) is our weeklypublication that highlights the key themes in Asia credit. OurWGOIAC publication includes detailed returns calculations forAsia credit, relative value sector performance, technicals andvaluations tools.    Despite the strong gross supply YTD (+51%Y), net issuance for Asia credit forSeptember is only slightly higher than in the same period last year (Exhibit 1).    This means that refinancing continues to be key driver for Asia credit grosssupply. September's current net supply is already positive US$5 billion. That said,October is a high redemption month (redemptions of US$13.6 billion) and, ifgross supply disappoints, we might actually end up with much lower net supplythan last year. The gross supply for Asia credit needs to exceed US$30.7 billion(we are 45% there) in September and October for total net supply to be higherthan last year's level.

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