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Asia Economics Comment:Everyone’s bullish

编辑 : 王远   发布时间: 2017.09.26 18:30:05   消息来源: sina 阅读数: 131 收藏数: + 收藏 +赞()

And why not, you might ask. The world economy is turning up, foronce in sync. Growth, for the...

And why not, you might ask. The world economy is turning up, foronce in sync. Growth, for the most part, may not be blistering, butit’s sturdy enough. Meanwhile, inflation is dead – well, seemingly. Soequities and bonds are on fire, along with pretty much everythingelse in between that can be traded. Look at all the uncertainty that’sbeen thrown at the world economy this year – from North Koreanmissiles to explosive tweets – and yet volatility keeps dropping.    Your economist has been humbled enough trying to call markets.    He’ll resist. But it’s worth pondering how it all squares up.

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