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Trump’s Tax Bill Outlook:Chance of Passing Increases and May Catalyze Bull Run

编辑 : 王远   发布时间: 2017.11.30 18:15:04   消息来源: sina 阅读数: 71 收藏数: + 收藏 +赞()

Viewed as the most important legislative effort by President Trump and the Republicans, the t...

Viewed as the most important legislative effort by President Trump and the Republicans, the tax reform has been a major uncertain factor for the global market. Stock prices fluctuate as reactions to each of the major steps on the tax overhaul path. The Trump tax reform is intended to entail significant changes to American taxation structure and may have profound impacts upon the U.S. and global economy, making it the most significant tax reform since 1986. Here are some crucial issues that we should focus on before the initial Senate vote around early Dec: Where is the tax bill now? How likely is the Republican tax plan to become law? And more importantly, what are the potential impacts on the market and the U.S. economic growth?

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