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China Internet:F.I.T.T.for investors,Clouds gather in the south

编辑 : 王远   发布时间: 2017.08.16 10:00:04   消息来源: sina 阅读数: 120 收藏数: + 收藏 +赞()

China's cloud formation: Seeing new shapes    Since our April, 2016FITT report on China's...

China's cloud formation: Seeing new shapes    Since our April, 2016FITT report on China's public cloud market, cloud-based solutions havebecome an ever more dominant agent of change. We complement our centerpiece CIO surveythis year with a new survey of Internet companies. Results indeed reveal a broadening embraceof the efficiencies that cloud services enable. A dramatic 84% of survey respondents indicateplans to make "heavy use of cloud services" by 2019, up from a mere 4% in 2016. Previousconcerns around areas such as security and reliability continue to recede. As our title implies,Southern China-based Huawei and Tencent will drive the biggest share shifts in their likely riseinto the Top 3.

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