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Great Wall Motor:Interest in Jeep only at study stage with no FCA interaction

编辑 : 王远   发布时间: 2017.08.31 14:15:07   消息来源: sina 阅读数: 74 收藏数: + 收藏 +赞()

Company has expressed interest in the Jeep brand, but things are preliminaryGreat Wall Motor ...

Company has expressed interest in the Jeep brand, but things are preliminaryGreat Wall Motor (GWM) has made a clarification announcement in relation tovarious news articles, including Reuter’s, reporting the company’s intention toacquire the Jeep operation from Fiat Chrysler (FCA, FCHA.MI, EUR10.7, Hold)with communications reportedly already established between GWM and FCA.In response, GWM clarifies that:    GWM has indeed focused attention on FCA and conducted studies onthat company. However, there has been no concrete progress thusfar, and there exist uncertainties about whether GWM will proceedwith such a project;    GWM has not established contact with the Board of FCA, and therehas been no negotiation with FCA’s officers and no agreement signed.

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